A Quote from me...

"Life is for Learning. Failure is merely the chance to begin again."

Monday 14 March 2011

But its Private

In the post-modern era in which we live we have unlimited choice, the consumer has the power, and this has created a ‘want it now’ culture[1]. Not only do we desire things and want them straight away, once we have them, we want them improved, an upgrade or improvement, a warranty or tax-free.

Within the culture we have seen and witnessed the birth of online sites, such as E-bay where almost anything can be purchased with that one touch of a button, not only this but you can get it for the price you want to pay… even better! Especially bearing in mind the current economic climate.  Promotions online will usually consist of using advertising online mainly via SEO and regularly via social media pages. The debate forms as to whether this is invading peoples privacy, I believe it is just clever marketing.

However it is understandable that some people may feel that their privacy is being invaded when marketing does become so personalised. I believe there is a line between targeting and making people feel targeted. Companies need to be clever especially when wording their advertisements. However I do believe if you are going to put information online you need to be aware that there will be people trying to use this to their advantage and you are letting them.

[1] Denegri-Knott, J. 2010.  ‘I Want It Now!: Ebay and the Acceleration of Consumer Desire. European Association for Consumer Research, Royal Holloway June 30-July. 

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